John Sinclair, Tonstudio Braun, Folge 97: Asmodinas Höllenschlange

Asmodinas Höllenschlange – Review:

Asmodinas Höllenschlange (Asmodina’s Snake from Hell/ Hell Snake) by Tonstudio Braun is a great German audiobook to use to improve your German listening skills. The dialogue is articulated well and easy to understand. The music fits well into the production. At no point does it over-power what the cast is saying. This audiobook is 49 minutes long and a great way to practice listening to the German language.

TSB Nr. #97 shows that the John Sinclair audio series was still producing great episodes even after almost 10 years. Almost everything about this audiobook is great. The music is atmospheric and well-woven into the play. The audiobook cast is fantastic. The fear of the party guests is excellent and believable. Asmodina’s cast is just great. You can hear that the speakers are really feeling and living what they are saying. The demons are also well-done. It is very easy to imagine the demon really well.

John Sinclair, Tonstudio Braun, Folge 97: Asmodinas Höllenschlange #hörbuch
John Sinclair, Tonstudio Braun, Folge 97: Asmodinas Höllenschlange

John Sinclair, Tonstudio Braun
Jason Dark (Autor), Diverse (Sprecher)
Episode Nr. 97 (Heft 121):
Asmodinas Höllenschlange

Text on the back of the CD:

Schlangen! Das Symbol des Bösen. Ich hatte eigentlich nichts gegen diese Tiere, bis ich gegen ein Geschöpf kämpfen mußte, das die Teufelstochter selbst geschaffen hatte, um mich und das Sinclair-Team zu vernichten. Es war: Asmodinas Höllenschlange!!

Snakes! The symbol of evil. I didn’t really have anything against these animals until I had to fight a creature that the devil’s daughter created to destroy me and the Sinclair team. It was: Asmodina’s Hell Snake !!

Asmodinas Höllenschlange Product details:

  • Lübbe Audio
  • Hörspiel (CD)
  • Horror
  • 49 Minuten
  • 1 CD
  • ISBN: 978-3-7857-5897-7
  • Ersterscheinung: 27.03.2020
  • Hörspiel (CD) 7,90 €
  • Hörspiel (Download) 5,99 €

Das Kult-Comeback der Hörspiel-Legende: Die originalen Klassiker von Tonstudio Braun digital überarbeitet und erstmals auf CD!

The cult comeback of the radio play legend: The original classics from Tonstudio Braun digitally revised and for the first time on CD!

Download TSB Episode #97 at

Asmodinas Höllenschlange is available at

Other German audiobooks in the TSB series:

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